100 Things in 365 Days

September 19, 2010

War Damn.. Duke?

This weekend my little (or not-so-little) brother, Timothy, his super awesome girlfriend and a hilarious fraternity brother visited me. I was thankful to have some visitors that wanted to go out as much as I did. I haven't been able to explore downtown Raleigh since I'm up here by myself, so when they asked to go downtown, I literally jumped up and down.

We went out to eat at Sushi Blue's Cafe. Let me tell you, mixing a blues feel with my favorite food made my weekend amazing.. and that was only the start of it. After a scrumptious meal, we decided to check out an Irish pub that turns into a bar at night. It had a live band that was pretty good, but we realized the crowd wasn't our style. For example: My eyes were almost poked out by a cougar woman's ridiculously fake chest. It dawned on us that this was an older crowd scene of cougars. Uhm, no thanks.

So then we found our own age crowd. We were able to hit up a restaurant turned bar that had a live band and a great selection of beer. We each got a different kind of beer and then tasted each others. Mine ended up being a 22oz Fat Tire, Sarah's a #9, Timothy's was a fruity-pebble one, and Harrison's was a french beer that was stellar. It was a different bar scene than your typical colleges, but it was awesome.

We made it home and proceeded to play Quelf, where Harrison was the entertaining star of the game. That child made us double over at least three times with his ridiculous antics. We finally made it to bed so we could get up and head to Durham.

The next morning came too early. But, we got up and headed to the AL/Duke game. Timothy managed to score me a free ticket, so of course I went to see the campus. That campus was gorgeous. I got to hear a few "War Eagle!"'s so I was a happy camper. Oh, and I rocked my AU coozie. Had to bring a little taste of Auburn to Duke.

We got to go in Duke's arena. It was small, but it was pretty cool going to a place where basketball was their dominating team. We got to see the head coach as well. It was pretty full of Bama fans, but when he walked out, everyone stood and cheered. It was nice seeing one team cheer for another team's head coach.

While we were walking around with our bag-0-beer (we keep it classy), we noticed a lot of people dressed in a Lady Gaga-ish fashion. I mean crazy, crazy outfits. Gingerbread men, speedos, onesies, you name it, it was there.

These Duke undergrads know how to party. They had a designated area where you either had to have a student I.D. or know an undergrad to get in. They had a crazy rave, loud music, water being thrown, and it honestly looked like an awesome time.

The game was as expected, a big crushing. Mine and Sarah's faces were scorched and we had some super sweet tan lines. But we made it back home safely, ordered a pizza, and settled in for the nail-biting Auburn game. We were exhausted and passed out soon after the game was over.

We took our time getting up this morning and ended grabbing a late lunch before I dropped them off at the airport. Now, I'm about to go grab some ingredients to make crepes for dinner tonight. Later alligator!

September 12, 2010


Well, I can officially say that I wrote an apology letter. Not a note, not a few words. A letter. Of course, I won't let you read it. It's personal.

But just to let you know, if I ever hurt you.. and I mean really hurt you: broke your heart, caused you pain that you'll never forget, and I know that I did, that letter is for you. You're more than welcome to read it, if you want. My number's the same and you can always call for it. I doubt you'll read this; but, just in case you do, you now know.

So I'm keeping this short and simple. I apologize.

September 5, 2010


I did it! I created a batch of cupcakes from scratch. Woot!

Now, let me tell you, it was MESSY. I mean cocoa powder everywhere, grains of sugar littering the floor. (Note to self: clean as you go next time) Such a fun time though.

I came back from Auburn today after a great weekend full of friends, tailgating, Auburn football, and such. More details on that in another post.

Back to my proud moment. I found the recipe from this bad-ass blog (click on it!) I chose to do a rich flavored cupcake, so I chose the Devil's Food Cupcake with a Chocolate Buttercream Icing. BUT I decided to add my own style to it, so I chopped up some fresh strawberries and added it in when I whipped up my icing.

I would post pictures, but alas, my camera is still m.i.a. (even after unpacking). No bueno pero there's nothing I can do about it.

As for right now, I'm going to crash. I'm absolutely exhausted.

Til next time!

SO delicious. I'm definitely proud of my baking skills (after all, I needed to redeem myself from the microwave incident..)