100 Things in 365 Days

October 15, 2010

Qahwa, Kawa,コーヒー. Coffee.

Attention: I've gotten a new addiction. Coffee. Yum.
Indeed, it's another fact that makes me feel older.
But it's delicious, so whatever.
I am NOT a "take-it-black-no-cream-no-sugar" girl.
I love shugah and creamah.

Way down among Brazilians
Coffee beans grow by the billions
So they've got to find those extra cups to fill
They've got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil
-Frank Sinatra

I went out and bought a coffeemaker, filter cups, coffee (Folger's Chocolate Coffee), hazelnut and peppermint mocha creamer. Score!

But oh, wait. I didn't get a coffee mug. Silly me, what was I thinking?
So instead, I became creative. Wanna see?

A measuring cup as a coffee mug.

I know, I know...

I's a-so smaht.


October 9, 2010

Put one foot in front of the other.

Lately I've been taking a lot of walks. I try to walk every day after work. I think it's a great way to gather thoughts after a long day of talking. There's a great trail in a neighborhood by my apartment complex. I always forget how much I'd rather be outside than inside. That's all.

October 1, 2010


I've always wanted to rock the red lipstick look. It's so classy and elegant. But, I'm a simple girl, so I knew rocking the red meant finding a shade that could go from day to night. Boy did I find it thanks to Eric at Lancome. Here it is!
Gorgeous right? I feel just fabulous, and quirky. Me gusta!