100 Things in 365 Days

August 18, 2010

Please don't take my man away from me..

Well, I had originally planned on laying out but looks like the weather gods decided nope. I just realized that I haven't really laid out all summer. Then again, this summer's flown by with the help of school, work, lake times, and two of my friends' weddings. I can't believe I'm at that age where marriage is the next step. Eep! Seems like yesterday I wanted to get out of Montgomery and head to Auburn. Now I'm sitting here wondering where the years went. I already sound like an old woman, gheez louise.

Since it's raining, I decided to go ahead and show you, friend, my new craft. I was inspired by one of my friends, Haley, and her picture. So... here it is!

Tada! I painted a canvas in Americana's Avocado green, making sure that it was stripey. I wanted to have an antique-ish feel with the background. I folded aluminum foil into the letters. I must say, I do have some talent when it comes to foil. You can ask my friends Meegan and Lee Anne about that. So what do you think?

On a random note, one of my favorite movies came on HBO. Thanks goodness for satellite at home. I get to watch good movies for free. Riding in Cars with Boys came on. For those who know me, I adore this movie. Yeah, it's really sad... but I guess since one of my many celebrity crushes (yeah, I have way too many to even begin naming). Steve Zhan, to me, is too cute. I love his quirkiness in this movie. I think it may be because I have a thing for guys with problems (Artie from Glee, Steve in RICWB's, just for examples..). Thanks Meegs for pointing it out to me. Guess that's just the care-giver in me.

Houston and Weston are napping in my room while LastFM. com is playing my Dixie Chicks radio. Currently playing: Dolly Parton's "Jolene". Score! Pandora cut me off. Yeah, that's right, I've listened to the max amount -- 40 hours a month.. on Pandora. Woops. I can't go back until September 1st, unless I pay. Psh. Whatever.

I guess I should go be productive seeing that I move in a week basically. Eek! I can't believe in a week I'll be living in Raleigh. I did always say I wanted to get out of Alabama. Guess we'll see if I really mean it or not.

So long friend!

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